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List Price: $12.99
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This Soft purse includes pretend accessories, such as being a wallet, debit card, lipstick, keys, mirror and cell phone. It is perfect for little girls who want to be just like mommy and perfect for toddlers, too.
International Playthings is pleased to carry a set of vibrant colored fun toddler and preschool toys. Each toy is safe and sturdy with excellent play value - sure to offer youngsters with years of play and tons of fun!
The adorable soft, My First Purse includes chunky play lipstick, soft mirror, group of keys, wallet, debit card and portable play phone.
Product Features
Let's play pretend
Cute purple bag with big bright pink flower
Includes play cell phone, keys and wallet
Also includes pretend lipstick, unbreakable mirror and debit card
Perfect for toddlers and preschoolers

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