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List Price: $29.96
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Expressing breast milk from work takes a lot of some time and dedication, so something that will make process easier is appreciated by moms. Storing milk in bottles takes up valuable freezer space and implies that you have to keep purchasing more and much more bottles to build up your stash of food for baby. These plastic breast milk storage bags come pre-sterilized, and are easy to carry around--as they’re very little bigger compared to a travel pack of tissues. In fact, they are offered in a very tissue-style dispenser, which makes them all to easy to access and store. Each bag stores as much as 6 ounces, or 180 milliliters of milk, and seals tightly to preserve freshness. Bags lay flat inside the freezer saving lots of space for additional milk or any other foods. Milk transfers easily from bag to bottle without having spillage. A tab over the fill area lets you're writing the express date, volume of milk, and the name of your child (in case you're handing it well to your busy daycare provider for feedings) about the bag without worry that you simply may puncture and contaminate your milk with ink. For moms who ought to temporarily store their milk in a busy office refrigerator, a tamper-evident safety seal on each bag informs you if someone has been in your supply. Each box includes 25 storage bags. --Cristina Vaamonde
Breastmilk Storage Bag
Product Features
25 pre-sterilized storage bags hold 6 ounces of breast milk each
Bags store flat in freezer, take up less space
Write-on tab outside fill area eliminates potential puncture and ink contamination
Color-change zipper seal for proof of closure
Tamper-evident safety seal

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